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    i generally refrain from yelping in my own neighborhood (you know the old don't s@!t where you eat adage) but there is just too much good stuff going on here to keep it on the DL.

    it goes without saying that bottles are cheap and the cocktail choices are limited. happily, cocktails are generally served in pint glasses so prepare to get shitty.

    You will find a mix  here of young irish locals along with a motley assortment of homeless alcoholics and women of dubious character.

    Next you should know that the lighting in here is VERY bright. SO if you're a lady, then please be sure to powder your nose before entering the door as every pore, vein, scar and pock mark will be highly visible if not inexplicably magnified by the GLARING BRIGHT LIGHTS. If you're not a lady, then proudly stumble in as the rest of us do with mascara dripping down your face. I promise, no one is going to notice regardless of how BRIGHT THE LIGHTS are.

    Lastly please be advised that someone, if not you, will be falling out of their high stool. I say this because every time I have had the pleasure of patronizing this fine establishment someone literally falls out of their stool for no apparent reason other than extreme intoxication. That someone may or may not have been me on one of the occasions but i guarantee you that no one noticed.

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