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    Greatest bartenders in the world.
    Great selection of beers and liquors.
    The regulars (not including myself lol) are some of the most interesting, well-read, honest to god good-hearted people I have ever had the pleasure of knowing and spending time with.
    Fights are broken up quick, please don't come to start trouble.
    Location is perfect.
    If you behave yourself and treat everyone with respect, you'll be welcomed with open arms.
    Great prices.
    Great times.

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    You have a story about this place. It probably goes something like this: It's like One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest with around the clock happy hour, and you're Dorothy trying to meet the Wizard. Next thing you know, you're drinking like Hemingway on ecstasy and checking your watch like it was your ATM balance. The jukebox has played the same song 2 times in a row, and someone is singing along to it at the back of your neck. You just did a shot with someone you knew in grammar school, and you're about to make out with a regular who's way below your caliber. You go back the next day to collect whatever you left there the night before, and wind up getting drunk again. It's like the film "Groundhog's Day" except this one stars Gary Busey.

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    Been here twice and for some reason something crazy ends up happening in the bar lol. I will not go into specifics but I am tempted to see what would happen if i went back....

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