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    WoW - this is a hidden gem on Steinway Street, surrounded by hookah bars in the center of one of the biggest Arab neighborhoods in NYC. My buddy lives around the corner and recently brought me to the place.

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    I went to Sissy McGinty's to meet up with some friends.  Walking down the street I noticed that McGinty's was probably the only non-hooka bar in the area.  Hooka Hooka Hooka Hooka Halal Halal Hooka, Sissy McGinty's is how it went.  My friend David told me that even though McGinty's was a bit out of place considering the local flavor, it was a genuine Irish pub.  The bartender was quick to confirm that with her thick Irish accent.  I was pleasantly surprised.

    Once inside I quickly found out that it was karaoke night.  This might be a negative for some, but I love karaoke so I thought it was awesome.  Unlike most karaoke, you didn't really have to wait long before having a turn at the mic.  Big bonus points there.  Sure everyone is drinking and out of tune, but who cares... it's all in good fun.

    So there are the good points of McGinty's, but there were some not so great things as well.  First of all they don't have anything in the way of food.  No wings, no burgers, no fries, no cheap microwavable pizza.  Ok no problem, I think.  I was noshing on some popcorn and chips they had in a bowl.  When the bartender told me that they didn't have food I asked her about snacks.  She said they don't have snacks at all.  I thought about asking her about the bowl of popcorn i was just eating (she dumped out the hard kernels that were left at the bottom) , but let it slide.  At the end of the night when I settled the tab, she had charged me for two rounds when it was only suppose to be one (my friend got the second round.)  Again I just let it slide knowing that the extra three beers won't break me and that I wouldn't be patroning the bar again.

    All in all if you're in the market for a Irish bar in Astoria, you might have to go to McGinty's, just make sure you eat before going and keep an eye on your tab.

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    Friendly staff and an optimum setting for a group of five or six. Like Aaron R. said, it's cheap and dirty in a good way. The drawback to this otherwise likable dive bar is the music. I don't expect overtly Irish pubs to be cranking bag pipes and sorrowful ballads about guys killed by the drink (or the war, take your pick), but I had to bail after a beer because the idiot pop/R&B was destroying the mood. The place had a lot of collegiate types, so if you are old and ornery and hate the young, take note. I'd go back if the bartender let me plug in my i-pod.

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