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    You are in Broad Ripple - there are more local places than most know what to do with, and you're going to go to McD's?? Even if you're strapped for time, there are tons of other options - go somewhere else.

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    Don't be fooled...this place is only a McDonald's.  The decor may be nicer than the usual that is found at the Golden Arches, but the food is the same.  The service is what you would expect from a busy, fast-food restaurant.

    Of course, I only go to this McDonald's later in the evening for vanilla soft serve and coffee.

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    I've never, ever witnessed an event in a restaurant like I did at the Broad Ripple McDonald's last week. I'd gone to a movie and stopped by for a quick snack afterwards since they were one of the few places still open. Upon walking in, there was a heavy set man behind the counter (whom I later discovered was a MANAGER) in a shouting match with an inebriated customer who was standing by the door.

    Wait, what?

    Yeah. Two grown men, in a restaurant (kinda...if a grease joint coated in styrofoam counts as a restaurant) yelling at the top of their lungs and dropping the F-bomb back and forth about how they're going to F each other up.

    At first, I chuckled. This is ridiculous. Either put up or shut up, fellas. Don't talk about it, do it or don't, but either way, all the chest puffing and shouting isn't doing anything except making you both look like four year olds in the sand box with extremely vulgar mouths.

    Then, I looked around. THERE WERE KIDS IN THERE. Not many, just a small family; mom, dad and their 2.2 kids choking down their heart blocker combos.

    Wait, what? Seriously?

    This is stupid. I had to say something. Why is it the most reasonable person in this dump was a customer who had just walked in?  The employees were letting their fearless leader continue to shout vulgarities across the room, the manager didn't have the balls to come out from behind the counter or call the cops to get the guy out of there, and the parents didn't have the stones to say something themselves.

    Are you kidding me?

    I decided it was time to end this "Alice in Wonderland" moment, no matter how much I enjoy a sudden side trip into the surreal. I spoke up and said, "Guys, there are kids here, please watch your language!" With that, the drunk guy got one last jab in to the portly manager with yet another empty threat and walked out.

    Okay, so this is done now, right? Now, back to my order.....

    No, wait....the manager wasn't done spouting off about how he was about to.....dude, you weren't about to do nothing but embarrass yourself even further, shut up. Geez, when I was a bouncer and worked security for parties/concerts I got so tired of these guys, yap yap yap. Like little freakin' lap dogs, only this one was 350 pounds of pure lard.

    And he's their role model? Yeah, seriously.

    I got two drinks to go and walked out. I haven't been back to this location and see no reason to do so.

    --John Cannon
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