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    I can't stop coming here for a midnight snack these couple of days. Their platters are usually good (a bit oily but will change if you ask them when ordering for less oil/ salt).

    The dishes really hit the spot for me. The salt and pepper squid is crispy and adequately salty with the garlic and jalepeno peppers. I loved it!

    The veggie dish (tong vegetable with garlic) was overcharged (we were charged the regular menu price for a midnight snack dish size)...

    Rice is charged $0.50 per bowl.

    It was still great.

    The second time we came we ordered the black mushroom with soft tofu ("japanese tofu"). It was a delicious experience as well. The mushrooms were sweet and soft. The tofu was pretty crispy with a soft texture after biting through the shell. I loved the taste that was preserved. All due to the good wok heat. :)

    I totally recommend this place. The service was a bit horrible (due to a huge party at the ungodly hour that we went... midnight). We were there for more than an hour because of waiting for the dishes. It was fine. I still enjoyed my food.

    They're good for pick up as well. Ordered here several times. We just need to call in to order about half an hour prior to pick up.

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    We ordered our food at 7:20, deliver time quoted as 8:18. OK, I can deal with that. The time comes and goes. I call the restaurant. I am told the driver is right around the corner. 15 minutes later I call back to the restaurant, I am told the driver is in my lobby. I call my doorman, who tells me no one is there. He arrives 5 minutes later.
    (just getting started)
    The food....first of all it's called de-veining!!!!! Every single shrimp looked like it just pushed back from a hearty thanksgiving meal. YUCK.  The fried rice smelled like it was prepared in a sealed room with 20 chain smoking cooks.
    Of course all the food was cold.
    On a bright spot the Crab Rangoon was tolerable, and might even be good had it been even luke warm.  I don't know what former glory this place might have had to warrant some of these rave reviews, but it could not possible be this place.  

    As my good friend always says "what in the wide, wide world of sports is going on here?!?!?"

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    I can not support a place that serves shark fin soup, when I tried to ask them if there were actually shark fins in the soup (illegal) they pretended not to understand what I was asking. Totally irresponsible. I understand it is a traditional dish but it is now 2012 and we know better, it is not sustainable.

    On another note, a bathroom in a train station would be more clean that Triple Crowns. Gross.

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