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    If I lived in Astoria, I would likely be here like every day.  Seriously this place is awesome - it has everything from a halfway decent beer selection, decent prices, a chill vibe, and live music!  We happened to go on a Thursday night, and even then it was pretty packed, but not uncomfortably so.  When we made our way over, it just so happened to be like a Stony Brook reunion... like all of the musicians and half the patrons... not a necessity for a good time, but interesting nonetheless.  After meeting and talking with a couple of random people there, it seems like The Quays is a popular joint among local Astoria(n?)s as well.  Compared to some of the other bars I've been to in Astoria, many of which seem to attract the "Astoria Bro", this place is strikingly normal(relatively amazing).  Ipso facto, this bar is awesome.

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    This a really great pub in Astoria, above Steinway. Come here on a spring or summer day and enjoy the open bar atmosphere. The whole place opens up on the front and the side through sliding doors. Pints are reasonable and they often have have live music. I would just mention that they don't have pitchers, but a great place to enjoy a pint. Beyond this it's a great place to check out on St. Patrick's day if the weather is good. They don't serve food, but have corn beef and cabbage for this occasion, and its the best I've ever had. Not sure who provides the cb and c, but its really good.

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    I really, really liked it here.

    Went here on Saturday night for a friends birthday.  It is kinda off the beaten path, not in the typical hub-bub of all of the other bars.  Its a little small and narrow but opens up as you get to the back.  

    In the back the tables are all wood and the walls are lined with books and there is one little juke box that has a very random selection of music.  Be careful though because the first time I put in a dollar it ate my money and only played one song (youre supposed to get 2 for a dollar lol.)  The drinks are very cheap, about $5 a piece and everyone was saying that you get your third drink free although I didnt make it to that because I am a lightweight lol.  

    Overall, this bar had an extremely chill, relaxed atmosphere.  My favorite part was how clean the bathroom was.  Extremely unexpected for a dive bar. Dress casual.

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    went a couple of times, had a really good time .  buy backs.  only thing is weird smell when u walk in.after a few, you frget about it

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    My favorite bar in Astoria, and probably all of NYC. The Guinness is perfection, and word around the campfire is they get it directly from Dublin. Great jukebox, great bartenders, and overall a fantastic neighborhood bar.

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    Traditional divey Irish pub. Was here recently for a music gig of the Dirty Wings. The seat cushions on the wall on the bottom of the stairs leading to the bathrooms are a sure sign of what kind of bar this is. Nothing special in particular was on tap. The only complaints I really have are the smell, the stuffiness and the lack of knowledge in drinks. I asked for an alcoholic shirley temple. Basically vodka soda with grenadine and the guy comes back with some crazy campari concoction that I gagged on. However the drinks are only $3 and you get the 3rd one on the house. So I got what I paid for.

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    I live two blocks away and drinks here are cheap, so needless today, I am in here all of the time. I absolutely LOVE the crowd, music, and overall feel of this place. It's very small, but I've come in on a Saturday night and have still been able to sit down somewhere. I've never had issues with gross drunk people, and everyone kind of does their own thing without being totally opposed to meeting new people. The bartenders aren't as friendly as some other places I've been, but as long as there's no bodily fluids in my drinks, I don't really care if they're not down for a conversation.

    I came in on a Thursday night a few weeks ago and didn't realize it was open mic night until they started setting up. I'm a musician myself, but my first thought was "Oh, great, a bunch of crappy hipsters loudly singing experimental original songs with accordions." Actually, my friend and I stayed for an hour and really enjoyed it. It wasn't too loud, most of the performers were pretty good, and the crowd was very supportive, but without wolf-whistling or obnoxious shouting. Perhaps I'll whip out my guitar and full-of-feels songs sometime!

    Another great thing about this place: no credit card limit.

    Come here for a relaxed atmosphere, cheap drinks, and great music!

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    Was there last night, had lots of fun. Bartender-guy was awesome.

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    I left my phone and wallet here last night, called them in the morning and they had it there- money and all. This place is fucking amazing, the bartenders or patrons who found my belongings are fucking amazing and I can't wait to come back!! Thank you, Quays!

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    This place has charm. The drinks are cheap, the bartender is super cute, it's a cozy little pub full of local Astorians - I want to become a "regular."

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    Free drinks here and there. That's what keeps me going back. For an Irish pub, it doesn't get any better.

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    Real chill bar. Good Guinness on tap.

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    Best neighborhood bar. Love their cheap drinks and buy-backs. Bartenders are really cool and friendly. It's just a really chill atmosphere.

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    Fun neighborhood bar. This was a great find for us. Decent priced beer, friendly people and great music. Had a great time on St. Patty's watching bands play and singing Irish pub songs.

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    Great laid back place. Love the buy backs! Cool crowd... and you could drink for cheap!

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    Probably the best bar in Queens for several reasons, but it's important to keep in mind how very understated all of these reasons, and this bar, are: more than fair prices (every third drink free), great bartenders (one or two with a brogue that'll tickle even your girlfriend's nose hairs), dark but not brooding aesthetics (returning to natural light after being in here for an hour or more'll have you squinting), and a diverse population of regulars and passersby that'll keep you guessing on the kind of night you'll have here. Never a spot to fight at, friendly sports rivalries, drinks never watered down, and a keen fondness for darts can be found here any day of the week. Won't find another bar like it in all of Queens, maybe the city itself.

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    Great Irish bar, 3rd round buy backs, great beer, good/loud/local ambiance.  Whenever I'm at my buddy's in this area we usually grab a beer or three here.

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    There are two genuinely nice young musician guys who bartend here in the evenings - I believe on Thursdays, if memory serves. They do the whole third drink buyback and whenever I go in by myself (like a revolting alcoholic), they treat me like anything but a revolting alcoholic. They actually greet me like I'm an old friend or classmate. So cheers, you guys are class. The prices are good, too. One night a couple of friendly strangers invited me to play darts and then a lady I'd never met before sat down and told me horrible things about her life, but since she was also from Chicago, I was able to steer her to a slightly less nightmarish topic (the Cubs). I'd go back more often but I'm paranoid that due to my repeat solo visits I've been branded a neighborhood drunk, so I probably won't be back until October, because, you know, shame.

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    This place is awesome, the bartenders rock and it has that real Irish hometown bar feel. They do buybacks, which is awesome, so come out here for an awesome time.

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    Wake up people. You don't get it. You do not understand. You will never understand. Not with Brother Jimmy's and run of the mill bars popping up on every street corner. Chains are ruining this nation of ours.  They are setting all of us up for the kill. You see, whenever I read that another cookie cutter bar lands near me I turn to the resident Frenchman on my block and remark "there goes the neighborhood" or as he would say "quartier."  

    But at what cost? When are we going to say no to the corporate fat cats filling us with the same old this and the boring that. Why not quote the poet, Dee Snider and in one voice yell to the highest mountain tops and church spires "we're not gonna take it."

    Which brings me to my review of the Quays. Now this is my kind of bar.

    Every third drink is free. ALWAYS. This bar isn't ruined by happy hours and lame ploys to attract new customers. They do what they do best - serve alcohol. To those who care. To those who love. This is a bar that says "we are gonna be just fine so long as we stick together."  

    They say all good things come in threes. They were right.

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    Gonna start off by saying that I totally wish I came here more often, I'm just rarely in the neighborhood :(.

    Stumbled in here for my first time with my best friend because we needed to kill time as I waited to meet my sister when she was done with her friend's sweet sixteen-ing. The bartender asked me to "orgasm in Spanish and shout that he had a hole in his sock" - I wasn't drunk enough to do the 'hole in the sock part', but my faux arousement was pretty hilarious enough to warrant a few buybacks that DIDN'T include their automatic 3rd drink buybacks...so needless to say she and I had MANY drinks on the house and made sure I tipped well :).

    My second time was with the same best friend and 2 guy friends. Fun times were had, lots of alcohol was consumed and LIVE Gaelic Folk music?! YES PLEASE! The vibe here that night was super awesome and another great time was had!

    Third time was the last stop on an uber successful (at least I thought so) first date with a handsome Brit/Irish CT born (and bred) gentleman who ducked in here with me because a) I freakin' love the place b) they're so cheap it's easy to be a baller here c) it was POURING LIKE CRAZY and not too crowded. I love this place so much. We sat at one of the small round tables up front by the windows, talked, showed each other stuff on our phones, watched the rain and did whiskey shots - it was purrrrrfect.

    Love how this bar can pretty much be anything you want to make it, no douchey clientele, just fun cool local folks looking to hang. Also, their (ALL THE TIME!!!) 3rd drink buyback policy is STELLAR and the bar staff are really cool - they'll even let you order food or bring it in from anywhere (since they're kitchen-less). If I lived closer to this place I would totally be a regular!

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    Great local. Bartenders are friendly and quick with buy-backs. Probably the best "bar" bar in Astoria.

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    Yes! I've finally been introduced to a decent bar in my side of Astoria. Just when I thought Lavelle's Admiral's Club might be my only option with its patrons who I suspect are the legendary "Mole People" and inspire me to quicken my pace as I walk past their drunken singing selves and fired up cigs between their dirty fingers.

    The first and most important thing you need to know about The Quays Pub is the third drink is FREE! Probably the best deal you can get in NYC's general area. It was very dark inside when I arrived but I had the impression it was a pretty clean bar (I didn't investigate the bathroom though). I seem to remember people raving about the hand drying machines? Gotta' check that out next time.

    The prices were reasonable and the bartenders were friendly. In fact I had ordered a Guiness and because I stood waiting so long at the bar to receive it (I'm not implying they're slow, I think they were just having an isolated issue with the Guiness keg) one of the bartender's said it was on the house!

    I enjoyed the music selection although The Cure's "Pictures Of You" made me want to cry into my vodka and ginger ale. I graced the pub with my loud rendition of Oasis' "Wonderwall" and Sarah Silverman's "Poop Song".

    I didn't have a chance to explore the back of the bar since I mainly stayed near to the door. The crowd wasn't too large and not obnoxious--always a plus.

    I definitely see myself coming back here again.

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    Cheap drinks, live music, friendly atmosphere, best bartenders I've come across.

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    A gem of a bar for locals.  The bartenders are wicked nice & quick on getting you a beer (they'll even dole one out on the house on the 3rd round - can't beat it!).

    they don't serve food, but have menus of places that will deliver.  They do accept credit cards, which is half the battle

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    Every third drink is free. Standard Irish bar feel.
    Good Guiness!!

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    This place, which used to be known as The Pulpit, but more recently has come to be known as The  Quays, was, for a long time, my favorite bar in Astoria.  Quiet with a really cool, almost library vibe going on. They had Smithwick's on tap, and great buy backs, all of which still hold true.
    Unfortunately, I feel like almost any time I stop in for a drink there's an open mic night, or some kind of live music, which isn't always what I'm looking for. When I just want to settle into a dark bar for a few drinks and some peace and quiet.  
    That said, I still love that I can come to the Quays and without fail leave with a crazy story, like my garbageman buying my girlfriend and I jagerbombs on our anniversary (our first date, coincidentally, was at The Pulpit). Great bar, that should limit the live music to like once a week or so.

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    I really liked the vibe of this place. For an Irish Bar, it was very welcoming environment.  I loved the crowd, very mix. The bartenders are kool and it's nice to get to see local bands perform on the weekly bases.

    This place had a village feel but in Astoria.  I'll see ya there!

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    I imagine that a mid-eighties pub in Hell's Kitchen would look exactly like this.  Old-world ambiance with lots beer, liquor, and spots to perch.  Well-worn and dark but, unlike eighties Hell's Kitchen, the bartender was nice, and a patron kindly offered his seat so my friend and I could sit together.

    I would have given it three stars purely because the only music option was an internet jukebox (pet peeve: if nobody wants to spend the money, put your own tunes on instead of keeping it silent). But it got its fourth star back with amazing buybacks.  Bless.

    I'll be back to hear some live music.

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    A great neighborhood bar that's almost as good as the Irish Rover. Every third drink is free. That includes Jameson which only costs $4.75. You're probably thinking I'm pulling a fast one on you. I'm not. I don't do that kind of thing. They are lacking on the televisions though and some spots in the bar are simply not conducive to watching the game. Otherwise, the laid back atmosphere inside and small stage surrounded by shelves of books is five star worthy.

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    What can I say? This is by far the best Irish pub in Queens, if not New York. It's not fancy nor divey, but just right. The owners, bartenders, and many of the clientele are Irish from Ireland, and you feel like you're stepping into Dublin when you step into the door.

    The prices are beyond reasonable, they're a steal. That alone would keep me coming back, but there's much more to life than money, right? (But don't tell Barry that!)

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    Amazing buy backs and great neighborhood place to grab a drink.  Friendly staff and standard selection of beer and liquor.  Prices are extremely fair and I love that they have a jukebox that everyone takes advantage of.  

    Lacks a kitchen but they oblige with menus if you are really hungry.  I recommend walking 2 blocks down to Dillinger's if you are hungry.  Always interesting and friendly people in the bar willing to chat.  Typical Irish pub with hometown vibe.

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    Every third drink is free? Well that's like three stars already in my book.

    Standard pub beers and alcohol. Prices are decent. You can sit and drink and order take out right to the pub! Nothing says tasty like beer and Thai food that I didn't have to move to get.

    Saw the bartender lay the verbal/ice cube smack down on a shady dude who was thievin'. Pretty awesome.

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    As a Boston girl myself, I can proudly agree that this felt like a true Irish bar, complete with your friendly strange locals, the shy lingering newcomers, and a friendly and witty bar staff, all in a cozy, simple environment.

    The staff was sweet and quick, supplying us with cheap and well-made beverages (and they never forget the fruit). The environment was warm and intimate, and as new as you might be it's hard to feel like a stranger here. This is an excellent place to go whether you're looking for some alone time with your Guinness or looking to catch up with some familiar faces.

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    My favorite bar. Let me tell you something about the Irish: they're a passsionate bunch. I told the bartender I am Jewish, he now puts a Jewish star into the foam on my Guinness. What an asshole.

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    The Quays is my new favorite pub!!  This place is great and the bartenders are wonderful.  Everyone was so friendly and welcoming and we now have a couple new friends just from one visit.  And as everyone has mentioned, buy backs were ridiculous.  So much fun here!

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    What can I say 'bout The Quays?
    I love that place!

    The atmosphere,the service,the live music & the open mic on Sunday nights.
    It's the best pint on Guinness in Astoria and they are GREAT w the "buy backs" too. Barry and ALL the boys are the best.
    It's my favorite Irish bar in all of Astoria & that's saying a lot.
    When you go on a Friday or a Saturday & especially for open mic nights be sure to go early because it gets crowded in there but for the most part the people are nice & you can usually get a place to sit or even stand.
    When using the restrooms be sure to check out the padded landing @ the end of the stares for all of the "sloppy drunks."

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    This is the only pub I've ever liked. And I love it. The Guiness is creamy and rich and usually adorned with a foamy shamrock. The music is eclectic and somehow always appropriate. It is the perfect place to do a crossword puzzle, meet up w/friends, order in food or have a drink or two (or more knowing their generous buy back policy) at the end of a long day. No worries, the wall at the end of the stairs leading to the bathroom is padded.

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    The best pint of Guinness in NYC. It is almost like Shane MacGowan will walk in and pat you on the back (and then pass out). The Quays is the most authentic Irish pub I have ever been too aside from pubs actually in Ireland. The owner works behind the bar and writes poetry between pints. There is padding at the foot of the steps on the way to the bathroom to soften your fall if you have had one to many and have to pee...

    I can't say enough amazing things about this place.

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    The Quays is not only the best pub I've been into in Astoria, it is probably my favorite watering hole in the city.  

    The buy back policy is stupendous, you can't have more than 2 drinks without getting  a freebie.  Thursday night local bands play, Sunday night hosts one of the more entertaining open mic's I've ever witnessed.  All the while the guinness flows like black gold from the taps.  

    If you live in the neighborhood, you neeeeed to make yourself a regular.... and if you are not from the neighborhood, you need to come on down.

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