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    We have a duplicate listing for Smarty Pants and most of the reviews are under "Smarty Pants," not Smarty Pants Bar. While I was apparently the first to review it I can't recall that I actually did the listing, but whatever, we do have a duplicate listing. So my review below is the same as is under "Smarty Pants" where a couple of other Yelp reviews have also been made.

    "Smarty Pants would probably be best classified as a gay neighborhood bar, generally attracting a steady flow of resident patrons as opposed to the tourist traffic. What they have to offer is that it is an establishment in which one may smoke. It does have entertainment on certain weekdays (Friday) and weekend nights, mostly karaoke which carries on until the early hours of the morning or until that last drunk has sung.

    It brings in a rather mixed crowd, mostly comprised of the 30 or 40 something age groups, mostly gay male but a few lesbians with a token bi or straight tossed into the mix. However, it essentially is known as a gay bar.

    A lot of its draw comes from the fact that it offers a good drink at a reasonable price and provides an atmosphere conducive to conversation on nights when entertainment isn't offered.

    Located in corner strip mall section on the South East corner of Oakland and Federal, there is plenty of free parking and the area is generally considered to be safe."

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