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    Came here for a quick drink. The bar was full but the rest of the place was empty (pool, standing room etc).

    Looks like the bar was full of regular drinkers. The waitress was nice and I was happy with my drink.

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    Good place to go to, especially if you're waiting for a train. It's a 30 second walk from bar stool to train track. Cheap drinks (2 tonic & gins and a Magner's were under $15), unpretentious atmosphere, and a friendly bartender. It's out of my way, but if I'm ever nearby again (or waiting for a train), I'll stop in.

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    The jukebox is, rather unfortunately, not free.  This may cause you to give the bar a low rating if you happen to be a moron.

    If however you're a normal person, you might really like The Station Cafe.  It's old school New York and friendly.  I watched the election of Pope Francis here (not on purpose) which made for some pretty hilarious banter.  The bar is dark, presumably because if the wife catches you in here again, you're fucked.  Top marks for showing football (soccer) and keeping bottles in ice troughs, but also because a man came in with a Jack Russell who promptly scurried over to an old Irish guy at the end of the bar who heartily greeted the hound with 'Ah Seamus!'

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    I'd give it five stars if the jukebox were free.

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    Love this place. Where else can you find someone to put $50 worth of credits into the Jukebox and let you play whatever you want?

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    I'm far from a Dive Bar girl but this place is so right up my alley.  Filled with crazy Irish men and drunks (beware of the dancing man), you're sure to be entertained.  It's been around since forever and looks like it but that's the charm.  Who doesn't miss old seedy NY bars?

    A BIG thank you to Patty the bartender for saving my friend and I from the crazy Rikers man and keeping the Magners flowing!!!  You're a lifesave love!

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    Station "Cafe" has a special place in my heart. It's a dive bar and you don't see them in NYC anymore.

    It's dark, quiet and there is always a game on. The drinks are cheap and plentiful. You want a cosmo or a fancy mixed drink? Not the place for you. Go to Manhattan and party with the bridge and tunnel crowd.

    It's under two train tracks (the LIRR and 7 Train) but it's quiet. The bar tender is friendly and quick to strike up a conversation. I hope places like this stay open in this Starbucks & Purell world.

    This place had it's 15 minutes of fame in Entourage when Johnny Drama bought out the bar and opened up his own place.

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    "cafe" is a fun bit of hyperbole, but who cares! This place had always looked (from the outside) like the kind of place where a record would scratch if anyone female or under 40 years old walked in. Thankfully we gave it a shot and had a great time. There's good music, lotsa space, Tony took good care of us behind the bar, and one of the old timers even said he was glad to see young people there. Overall the place has a great rust belt feel to it that makes you feel like you're in Allentown or Erie or Akron or Rochester. It's the kind of place that you almost see in NYC but there it is, under the tracks; a smudge on the face of a diamond. I'm glad it's there.

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    I know I know.. I've been getting a lot of heat since writing my first review about my first experience at Station Cafe.  Perhaps it wasn't fair to base a review off of one experience, but sometimes that's all you get.  And lucky for Station Cafe I've given them multiple chances and they've proven me wrong.  

    The 2 major problems I had before were the smelly bathroom (haven't gone near it still), and the huge guy-girl fights I witnessed.  And let me also point out that I am not "a woman who looks completely out of place in Woodside" and have lived here for 4 years, and I've seen a lot.  

    I love a good dive just like anyone else, but something I do not approve of in ANY bar anywhere is to see women getting hit by men.  Pretty sure THOSE fighty people got off the train at the wrong stop and were just plain stupid, haven't seen anything like that in Station Cafe in the multiple times I've visited since.  In fact, I've had very awesome experiences.  Getting to know some of the locals, playing pool (and kind of kicking ass), and saddling up at the bar enjoying Magners with excellent friendly service from Tony.  So much charm, so much to love.

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    I love this place.  It's what a bar is meant to be - no pretense, no ritz, no remote effort to cover up the fact that you are going out to drink yourself to an adequate level of sedation.  I'd guess that Station Cafe was last redecorated around 1973, and even then it was just addition of a couple new posters to the walls.  What I like most is that the bartenders are fantastically friendly, always remember your name, mix a mean drink and are eager to keep you drinking.  

    This is definitely not the place to go if you are seeking multitudes of draft beer options (there ain't none) or lots of drink mixers from a handy spout (they use 2 liter bottles).  It's just a basic bar of the variety that is becoming increasingly rare in this city.

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    I love Station Cafe!  It is a laid back bar that has cheap drinks and a pool table.  The service is great...you gotta love a bartender that knows your name and is nice enough to chat with you!

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    Station cafe is cool.

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