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    I just wrote a review for Mr. Gee's in Hermosa and thought I should also review of my absolute favorite in this neighborhood.
    I usually don't give five stars unless it is really as good as it gets. This place I am a little bias towards since its very close to where I work and I frequent it very often. its also very cheap, fresh and they have real sugar coke.
    This is a small supermarket that has it own restaurant. food is always hot and fresh. There is always a short fast moving line at lunch time.
    since I frequent this place a lot I pretty much tried everything on the menu.
    First, their steak is charred on the grill, which is how I like my steak tacos or tortas, steak burrito not so much.
    Second, tongue tacos are very tender and don't have that chewy muscular texture you find in most tongue tacos. I don't get them very often but when I do it always tastes like meat not rubber.
    and finally the chicken, pulled roasted chicken tacos, burritos and tortas.  get it in a taco with lime, cilantro and onions and your are set for a very light, low calorie, healthy meal.  
    If you happen to be in this neighborhood and launched yelp to find a quick good bite then you found a place. park in the lot, walk in, order, pay very little money, and 5 minutes later you are a happy man/woman sipping on your real sugar Pepsi/Coke.

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