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    Walking down the street this past Saturday afternoon found me with a strong headache due to a lack of caffeine. For the umpteenth time this afternoon, a stiff breeze ran down 8th avenue and went right through my ski jacket, my sweatshirt, and my t-shirt and produced a slight shiver through my body. Just at the moment when I decided that an immediate hot coffee was the answer to all troubles of that particular, my eye happened to alight on the words 'IRISH BAR' and seemingly lightbulb went off over my head as I reviewed the following things

    1) need for caffeine
    2) 4 pm on a Saturday
    3) Irish bar right in front of me

    Dare I say that it was not much of a leap of logic to think that Irish Coffee would be a very good thing at that particular point in time. Plus I had 45 minutes to kill.

    So I ducked through the door to find a long bar with tall chairs, a floor with a pool table, a couple of TVs with Devils-Sabres on one and college basketball on the other. I plunk myself down only to find that I have come to the wrong Irish bar in search of Irish coffee, 'coz there ain't none to be had. Head ringing at this point but still feeling better being out of the wind, here's me with 'well in that case, a double Jamesons' and a water puhleazze'

    Finished the Jamesons off fairly sharpish and was getting ready to move on in my quest for coffee and was made aware that there was a $20 minimum to charge. My first drink came to $12 meaning I was still 8 bucks short and due to the headache still not in any fit state to contemplate going out to find an atm. After some very belabored mental gymnastics, 'more whisky' was decided as the only solution to the situation. The tab came to $19 and I swiped myself right on out the door.

    That evening my friends told me that by law the minimum to charge with a credit card is $10. I just kind of shrugged at that one.  Gotta come back over here some night with cash so that I can experience the awesomeness.

    The End

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    A great hole in the wall joint. A couple friends and I dropped into this bar while trying to escape the record heat in Manhattan. Turns out this place is loaded with Marines and Marine paraphernalia. This was awesome since my buddy that was with me was a Marine. Very pleasant surprise indeed. The beer was cold and reasonably priced and the service was friendly and fast. My only real complaint is the bathrooms were pretty disgusting. I may not come back again but I enjoyed my brief experience at Walter's Bar.

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    Was a great dive bar, full of locals, now just another frat bar.

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