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    awful establishment. I would never recommend this to place to anyone. the one time I went there they were blaring god awful arab infused techno music. the place could use some lovin. plus they charge for bottled water? no way will not be back

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    Not what you would expect for a Hookah Bar...  They've done a great job mixing in elements of a night club (minus the alcohol due to state regulation). There was a very wide array of flavors, so much so we asked that they suggest a few for us.  The owner was friendly and engaging (even showed us a few "magic tricks").  It was relatively inexpensive, too.  If you've ever had the inclination to try, stop by at Ali Baba.

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    Pros: great flavors, decently priced, good atmosphere

    Cons: terrible customer service skills by the owner and handful of employees.

    Overall I only give it three stars because the hookah itself is good but the lack of professional customer service skills leaves me searching to take my business elsewhere.

    For future reference when you state that you close at 3am dont try and push people out the door at 2:15 by coming to the table every 5 minutes asking if they are done when they are still obviously smoking. The place still had probably 4-6 groups smoking and they seemed to only care about getting everyone out so they could leave early. Poor business practice in my eyes.

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    We were here as we were waiting for a performance at the Uptown.  I think by law in KCMO a hookah bar can't serve food...all they have here is coffee and other drinks.  Despite the place being just about completely empty, it took us just about 30 minutes to get tea for two.  That poor service, combined with the very odd choice of "world's worst car crashes" playing on all the flatscreens didn't make for a desire to return any time soon.

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