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    Looking for a new pizza place, so saw Bravo on yelp, decided to give it a try.  First called to ask for Delivery.  Guy answers phone with a very harsh hello.  Um, is this Bravo pizza? Yes. Order a pizza for delivery?  No delivery!.  Ok... decide what the heck, we'll pick it up.  Call back and greeted with the same harsh hello.  I order a veggie pizza, and we're told 1/2 hour to pick it up.

    Get in car a full 1/2 hour later, and drive over.  I illegally park the car on Lawrence, and the BF and I look at each other.  
    Me: Is that it?  
    BF: It says Pizzeria Bravo on the sign.  
    Me: What's with the blackout on the windows and doors?
    BF: Don't know, be right back

    In enters BF, who comes out after 5 seconds, backs up to look at the awning with the name again, looks at me, shrugs, and walks back in.

    As I'm waiting, I'm kind of wishing we ordered from the Chinese place that's right next door, but I'm never one to judge a book by it's cover, so I wait... 5 min later, he emerges with the pizza.

    So, it's definitely a Bosnian place, full on wall of smoke hit him on the way in, a foggy haze of cigarette smoke with Bosnian music and tv on.  He tells them he's there for the pizza, the bartender tells him a couple more minutes.  Does he want a shot?  Of course he does, that's a silly question.  So, he orders a vodka (which was $3.50 for a metered out shot of absolut) and waits.  

    Now for the real review...
    The pizza wasn't done.  It was really doughy so the oven must not have been hot enough to cook it.  A lot of fresh ingredients, can't complain about that, but sauce wasn't quite as tasty as one would hope, and just bad execution overall.  All in all, not a good pizza.

    Yes, it was a $13 pizza, but would I go back for pizza, hell no... Maybe for a night of Bosnian fun.

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    I have been meaning to try this pizza place forever. It's literally 100 feet from my condo so I tried them out Friday night. I called in our order and it was ready in a half hour for pick up. I had sausage & mushroom zzah and the pizza was LOADED with fresh mushrooms! I am in love. Great prices and friendly service. If you buy 2 pizzas, the second one is half off. That is a steal when you are entertaining. I will be a regular at Bravo!

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