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    My husband had a work party here about a year and a half ago and, they rented out the whole improv area.  Worst experience ever.  We were enjoying the show, participating AS ASKED, nobody was being particularly loud, but the older "comedian" who I assume is the owner, STOPPED the show, accused my husband and I of table talk,
    yelled at us in front of everyone.  The crazy part is, we
    hadn't said a word, it may have been the people behind us or whatever
    but it was so unprofessional and humiliating to be yelled at mid show in a room full of my husband's coworkers, when I'd literally done NOTHING wrong.  The group was a bunch of blue collar, union guys and they were not impressed with the rediculous behavior.
    The "comedy group" THEN tried to carry on the show as normal.  Well, now you're in a group of angry and appalled customers.
    nobody cracked a smile through the rest of the evening. AWKWARD.
    I was so mad, I was going to blast them on facebook and make bad review and stuff, because it was crazy how he acted, especially considering nobody was being loud or naughty or anything, and I'm sure it cost my husband's company a decent amount for us to rent out the whole place, and to be treated like that was appalling.  I tell everyone I know not to go there, it was the weirdest, rudest experience ever.

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    Caught last night's 7pm show. It was very funny. I contributed twice (IBS and Insurance adjusting... makes sense if you were there). The actors were very quick and witty. One, Clancy, is a KC legend as far as I'm concerned. He had a sharp edge to his wit. Seemed like he was just waiting to get down with it and force some blushing from the parents who brought their kids.

    I would love to head down for the 10pm show. I'm a fan of dirty comedy. Not Lisa Lampanelli dirty, but maybe Jeffrey Ross...

    Anyway, if you're a comedy fan and are looking for something local, this is the place. You just want to drink and maybe relive your glory days at Studio 54's back room, try Stanford's.

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    Had a team day away with Hallmark coworkers - had a great time - they was very funny - and kept it clean . Had a buffet also serverd by Westport Flea Market - had burgers, chicken breast, salad, potatoes and cookies to top off a excellent meal.

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