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    Godfather's has a cult following which I am not a part of. I have eaten in both times for a lunch buffet but have not tried the made-to-order type, so I acknowledge that it could be a different story. I hope another reviewer will chime in if that's the case.
    I would compare Godfather's pizza to Pizza Hut because it's tasty in an unhealthy feeling sort of way. It's got that same greasy-sweet flavor as the Hut. It's $6 for the lunch buffet and $1.89 for a soft drink. There's no waiter service unlike at Pizza Hut, which I actually prefer. If you do get a pop, it'll be Coke products.
    It looks like this place could be good for groups. Both times I have gone it's been with a group of 5 or more and we just pull some tables together and no one seems to notice. I haven't tried out the ball pit...yet.

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