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    This review has nothing to do with the food, because it's the same everywhere. I walked in with one of my friends and we were the only two people in line. There were FOUR cashiers standing at the registers all engaged in conversation and not one of them acknowledged our presence. So I stepped forward to order and they continued having their own conversation completely ignoring me.

    I couldn't believe how rude they were. My friend and I were so angry that we walked out without buying any food and went somewhere where the staff was a little more aware of their responsibilities as an employee.

    I understand that my business at McDonald's isn't going to make a dent in their billions of dollars of revenue, but I definitely won't be returning to this location.

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    It's McDonald's...so...I shouldn't be eating here, but sometimes I am starving and need some Chicken McNuggets or a Fillet O' Fish!  There is usually a long line or groups of ppl standing around in mini-lines (not always clear what the queuing process is here).  You can get what you want with a relatively short wait.

    I've never sat down to eat here but there is ample seating.  I cannot testify to the quailty of the washrooms, either. Staff are fine: they aren't super excited but they're pretty nice.

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