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    Nice food, affordably priced, excellent customer service and very unique flavors! recommended!

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    This place is the quintessential student dive.
    Very cheap, no AC, decor straight out of the 70s, and saucy staff with hearts of gold.

    The gyros is surprisingly flavorful, and the falafels are great when warm. The tahini sauce is nothing to write home about, but the coffee is fantastic.

    If this place had WiFi, I would camp here constantly.

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    I'm Muslim and not comfortable eating here anymore for a few reasons:

    1) The guy behind the counter said they get the meat from Restaurant Depot (so not necessarily halal).
    2) They had huge chunks of garlic in the baba ganouch (that's in issue because men are supposed to eat raw garlic and go to the masjid because of the potential offensive smell).
    3) 3-D miniature statue of a chef.
    4) My burger was not fully cooked, very pink inside.
    5) The tilapia didn't taste that great (VERY little salt).

    To be fair, the cook was very polite and nice.  He did not charge me for the drinks.

    (Normally, there is $.75 refill charge.)

    It was kind of clean.  Our table was very wobbly, so that was pretty annoying.

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    Always wanted to come into this space when it was Hollywood Grill.....

    Let me get straight to the point:  The gyros here are awesome.

    Cut chunky, not sliced like most places.  Super juicy, but slightly charred.  The taste has more of a "made in the back" flavor to it.  Can't really expound on it except to say that it didn't taste like the commercial slab gyro meat you find at most fast food joints....and I'm a fan of the fast food joint gyro meat.  

    I'll have to update my review at a later time.  I was so focused on my plate that I didn't even notice the decor or much of anything else....

    Hub's has been my go-to spot in the city.  I think things may have changed.

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