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    Very good food. I love the make my own stir-fri. Very easy to make it vegan

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    Scammed by the corporate office.  Was given an e-gift card and the purchaser's credit card was billed.  Never received the gift card and the office refuses to resend the email.  Awful.

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    FlatTop has a wide offering of cuisine served up by local oriental folk, or perhaps they are islanders of a mysterious origin.  I am a simple man, a Son of The Soil and have spent most of my humble life as a Ranch Hand so I found the unbelievable variety of faraway meats and spices both intimidating and enchanting.  I personally really enjoy Fusion style restaurants because most of my lower spine is fused after countless hours of baling hay on the Hearst Ranch in a forgotten part of Southwestern Texas.  Though hardworking, I don't trust a slant as far as I can throw 'em (not far bc of the aforementioned spinal fusion) so I was wary of their food, presented raw for your perusal not unlike an untamed Vietnamese market but it is both safe and delicious.

    However, I cannot give this restaurant a full 5-stars because my girlfriend, Elle-Bernadette dumped me over my 3rd bowl of SesameHorseradish Chorizo and noodles.  She called me a xenophobic, braindead hick and cited that we weren't really into the same "scene" and how different our musical tastes and friends were considering that she is more of a Eco-Goth Ravequeen and I'm more of a Drifter and also that I'm 60 years her senior.  That night I had flashbacks to the war, I do not know if it was from the spiritual mojo coursing through the shared bloodlines of the North Korean man I killed in cold blood in the war working his way into my food from the hands of the prep chef or if it was just a wound that was opened that my precious Bernadette once kept shut...I know one thing, I'll never forget the ecstasy fueled night we first made love on the dance floor of Berlin...

    Overall, I'd recommend this establishment.

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