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    Opened up where Afghan Kabob House was, that place was terrible!

    Service is great here, they are new, so you can tell they are trying to go out of their way to welcome customers which is nice.  Food prices were very good, more on the cheap side and the quantity was good, not huge but not small either, good for the price you are paying.  They added nice touches to their food, like a fancy carrot garnishment and fancy cut cucumbers which was cute.

    The food itself was good but nothing out of the ordinary.  We ordered Nehari which is not like the nehari at Sabri but more of a korma type.  It was good but not when you are expecting traditional nehari.  Also ordered the grill combo plate which was good, it was much better than Sabri which fails when it comes to this type of food.  Naan came with butter on it and cut up which was nice.

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