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    (This review is a partial repost from my personal blog.)

    PR's Place is probably one of the least known-about bars in downtown Kansas City, at least outside of the Hispanic community.  

    Located on the eastern edge of Kansas City's West Side, PR's Place is a popular hangout for Kansas City's hispanic population while virtually unknown among the artists and hipsters found only a block to the east. You might walk right by this place and not realize it's a bar, the exterior resembles something more like a dentist office.

    PR's has an inviting, comfortable interior and though you're likely to be looked upon cautiously at first by all the regulars, the bartender will soon do a good job of making you feel welcome.

    PR's is also a popular place for watching sports -- especially soccer. If you are a fan of the World Cup this is a great place to watch it.

    Beer is available in cans/bottles only.

    By the way, PR's Place is the only bar I am aware of so far to have had a live horse inside it, when it received a visit by the second Warpaint, former mascot of the Kansas City Chiefs.

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