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    This is a great place to eat if you love to:

    -Waste food


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    If you like Americanized, homogenous food, go to Panda Express. Indulge yourself in the fake Chinese food that's been sitting under heat lamps for hours and hours. I don't understand how people can frequent this place when there's a pretty good Thai place up the street and strong lunch sushi/Asian offerings nearby.

    I went here during Thanksgiving week when there was little foot traffic. The meal was so forgettable that I forget that I ate here. The food was downright deplorable-the fried rice wasn't flavorful and tasted dull. I ordered an eggroll and it was burnt and not remotely delicious. My lunch companion's chicken looked like a sticky nightmare and loaded with chemicals.

    This place works in a pinch if you want Chinese food with no taste and heartburn later. I'll stick to my other offerings nearby where I'm guaranteed quality.

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