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    Shooters is a fun one for the gay scene, and I feel they're currently at their prime with the new "Young Buck Thursdays" that has been drawing in the younger college crowd with bangin' music, drink specials, and, most importantly, a photo booth to capture the memories and show off on Facebook. Shooters has done an excellent job at recovering from the "old balls gay bar" to a trendy and happening place, and is recommended (on Thursdays!) for a little taste of queer life in Cincinnati.

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    I ventured over to Shooters one night with a group of friends. I couldn't believe that I hadn't been to this bar yet!

    The place has no windows, and it set up with a dance floor in the middle with barn/hoe-down like seating areas surrounding it. They have TV's throughout the space that were playing country western music along with the videos. As the night went on - the music and videos switched to a little more poppy dance tunes, which was fun!

    As far as gay bars in this city go - this is by far the most unique and fun! I sure don't know how to line dance, but a few of the regulars got out there and started showing us the moves, my group of friends studiously followed and learned. Good times! Then later on some large group dances occurred to The Cupid Shuffle and Single Ladies!

    Drinks were reasonably priced too -they had these pink shots for $2 that we all took.

    Get your books and cowboy hats out of those closets and head over here for a barn-raisin' good time!

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