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    Typical neighborhood Skyline. Cincinnati people dig it and its a novelty stop for out-of-town visitors. You will either love it or not. I get some about once every month or two.

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    First taste was a sample and I quickly knew I wanted to try a menu item. Skyline ChiIi was recommended by a friend who is native to Cincinnati, said "it's a must try". So, I'm in Cinci on businesswith and met by an Ohioan at the airport right around lunch time. I suggested Skyline and he was happy to bring us. After our samples, the waitress was explaining the menu to us neophites and a gentleman called her away, she came back and said "that was the president of our company and he'd like to buy you a small 3-way and a Coney". Of course we accepted and thoroughly enjoyed our lunch. We thanked Skyline's president and assured him we'll visit again when in the area! The service was friendly and efficient too! Thank you.

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    I'm really happy with this Skyline. It's new and clean, great service, and traditionally yummy Cincinnati chili. I'm not from here, but I love the stuff!

    This place gets busy at lunch time, but you shouldn't ever have to wait for a table because they turn over so quickly. Great place for lunch or dinner!

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    I'm a Cincinnati boy...I love Skyline.  I went to this particular location because it is close to work.  I went through the drive thru for this visit.  It was by far the longest that I have waited to get some lunch.  When I finally did get to the window there was a manager-type guy there and also another guy that was taking the orders (I think) and then there was another guy that was just standing there...not really sure what he was doing.  You would think that when the drive thru is moving that slow it would be "all hands on deck".  At least that's how it was when I worked in the restaurant business.  Overall...good food...slow service!

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    I'll admit, I don't get it.  But it was worth the try.
    Maybe I need to live here and let it grow on me, but I didn't have that much time to spend in Cinci.  Something about a thin chili made with cinnamon/all spice, and topped over spaghetti just still seems and tastes weird to me.

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    This is a brand new building, they moved from next door, which is now a Taco Casa. It is SO much easier to get in and out of, especially the drive-through, and there is much better parking. I still prefer the Ludlow Skyline, or the Oakley (for it's Coke), but this is the most convenient for us.

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    This Skyline is half a mile from my house, so it's become my go-to when I'm in the mood for Skyline. The interior looks recently remodeled and is full of comfy booths and tables, with a few large tables for bigger parties. A big-screen TV is in the corner, which I appreciate as I often go in alone.

    It took a while for Cincinnati chili to grow on me, but grow on me it has. I see a great many visits to the Walnut Hills Skyline in my future. And hey, if I walk from my house, I can even talk myself into believing that the 1-mile walk round-trip offsets the calories in the chili....

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