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    All the women who dance like professionals, wait until midnight to come in. There is Merengue, Salsa, Old School, and Hip Hop blasting. Great atmosphere!

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    I've been here a few times and will be back because the music is fun and the bottle service is relatively cheap ($110).  Most of the reviews I've read here have the goods and bads outlined pretty well.  I'm writing this review to add a few things I've noticed the past few times my friends and I have visited:

    1.  They will try to get money out of you for the valet when you're leaving, even if you paid when you dropped your car at arrival.
    2.  If you order a few drinks and some bottles of water, they will 'forget' the bottles of water, and then say it wasn't included in the tab, even though you just paide $35 for 2 drinks.
    2.  They will try to get money out of you for coat check when you're leaving, even if you paid when you checked your coat in.

    So, either they aren't supposed to charge you when you drop your car/coat, or they are hoping you might be too drunk to remember that you already paid for something once and are pocketing the cash.  Just keep your wits about you enough to know the difference, or you will get taken advantage of.

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    SO LET DOWN! I booked a reservation for a large group of people for my fiances 30 birthday party and everything sounded perfect over the phone (prices, entry etc) When we arrived it was a totally different story. Mandatory coat check is ok, but notify your guest (i had no idea) no credit card (no ATM) They changed the entry price for males when it was supposed to be free for all my guest till 12, the bouncers were hassling the guest, the bottle prices and choices were completely different and had time limits!! It was crazy! I spoke with the owner and apparently the same person I booked the reservation with (older spanish lady) and she ha no clue what was going on and who we were (I had confirmed at 730pm) She kept just shrugging her shoulders and gave me the look like Oh well! I would've never did a party here if I new the service would be so unaccommodating, Our hostess did her best but wasn't surprised about the situation at all. Everything was way overpriced and it never got busy on this saturday night... Never again for us, thanks!

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    terrible.  They would not let us go in to check it out before paying the cover, made us check our coats then charged us, would not let us pay for a $10 drink with a cc because they have a min of $25.  There was about 17 people in the club and 2 were dancing, until we hit the floor then there were 5.  haha.  Overall a negative experience, the staff were the worst, so rude!  I will never go back.

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    I will never come to this club again. We were there after midnight so there is a $12 cover charge. It was raining, I had a thin jacket so I thought I'd just put it in my purse. No, I had to check it.
    Sat down at the bar near the door. No you can't sit here it's reserved. Okay we find a table. We sit down the waiter comes five minutes later to take our drink order. I give my order, one friend is in the bathroom the other say nothing for now. My drink never comes. Twenty minutes later the waiter comes back with the owner's wife (still no drink). You have to move from this table, you are no drinking so you can't sit here. We explained that I ordered a drink that never came then you come back with some crap we have to move cause you are not drinking. OMG, We'll leave give us our money back. Sorry, no refunds. Didn't you see the sign on the door. This place has no regard for customer service. Very rude servers. I'll will never come here again.

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    It's da bomb! Unless youre white. I stood at the bar with money in hand while every other hispanic in the bar got served first. In 45 minutes I had one beer. It wasnt until a bartender from the far side came over and told the bartender in front of me to serve me. Won't go back. Made to feel unwanted and unwelcome. Ladies were plenty! Never seen so many short chunky monkeys outside a hispanic grocery store before. Great music, dancing on North side, $5 Heinekens, no Coronas. WTF?

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    I went on a Saturday, hoping to dance salsa. We got there too early and there was no one there, but the music was promising: salsa, cha-cha, bachata. Then when people started showing up the DJ switched to top 40/hip-hop/ "dance" music. When we left it was ~11:45 pm and the dance floor was 90% women and they were playing hip-hop. Not what I had in mind.

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    The ambience was fun... Drinks were a bit expensive and they charged us for club soda, but we weren't to mad about it because we had a really good time.  Great service.

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    I am a lover of dancing and Latin Bliss has a great variety of music to dance to! I went on a Saturday night with a group of friends and we were welcomed nicely by the bouncer who checked our ID's and let us know there is a mandatory coat check [which I am glad is mandatory because I would hate to have my coat accidently dropped on the floor or have drinks spilled all over it by drunken idiots].

    We sat a table and our server came and introduced himself to us and asked what the occasion was. We told him it was a birthday party and he in English and Spanish said happy birthday to the birthday girl and brought our drinks over in record time! He let us know we could also walk up to the bar or simply let him know anything we needed and hoped we would enjoy our night.

    The music was on target! I LOVE a great Salsa song I can dance to and not only was the Salsa good but, there was Bachata, Merengue, and Cuban music playing. The DJ gave out birthday shout outs and played all night.

    As every girl eventually has to powder her nose and do the occasional touch up, I was VERY reluctant to go to the restroom since I HATE public restrooms. Thankfully, the bathroom was clean and the woman was such a sweetheart complimenting us on our dresses and showing us her Salsa moves while we dried our hands. She also told us if we came back later she would show us turns that would make any Salsa enthusiast on the floor jealous.

    The crowd was a mix of younger and older people. There was a great mix of different leveled dancers on the floor as well. There was not your typical sleaze bag man staring at you while you danced or the typical "Hey baby you look good lets dance" guy anywhere in sight. There were people actually dancing and talking.

    Overall, our server was great checking up on us and making sure we were taken care of, the music was REAL latin music that I wish other places played and the crowd was a great mix of dancers showing their skills. Def a great place to go to practice and perfect your moves.

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    I've been here twice so far, on a Friday night and Saturday night and I enjoyed both times.  The absolute only thing that annoyed me was on out second visit the owner kept yapping away on the mic over the music and wouldn't shut his mouth, so he was killing the music and my mood for dancing.  But it seems like he had a few drinks in him by then which was the reason for his um "talkativeness".  

    Anyway, besides that I love the fact that it is an older crowd.  And by older I mean maybe around 25+.  Yes, you will see some much older folks there, but there are very young folks there as well.  I love that it is a mixed crowd.  I absolutely hate going to places with a bunch of what I call teeny boppers.  

    As far as cover goes, I think most Friday are FREE and Saturday's varies maybe between $5-10.  Still much cheaper than other places.

    I never take a purse with me to these placed cause I've known to many people getting either the purse stolen or or something from the purse stolen while at clubs, so I don't take the chance.  And I've never witnessed them search a purse, nor do I recall my husband or my friends husband being searched.  BUT, regardless of the area pat downs are not uncommon anywhere you go, and I'd rather them check and create a safe environment for everyone.

    This area is absolutely not ghetto.  So unless you are coming from some far and away suburb where there is absolutely no diversity, not sure why anyone would think it's ghetto.

    You can try to find free parking or just pay $7 across the street.  Both times we didn't have an issue with the parking dude.  

    The DJ does a good job.  The bulk of the music is Latin music (Salsa, merengue, bachata).  But they also have some english dance music mixed in there.  The drinks I think are reasonable compared to some other places.  I think people need to realize that the liquor is how these places make their money.  Though I think on Saturdays before 11pm or midnite they have $1 drinks.

    If you want to be able to sit and chill and a table you need to spend at least $20 in drinks, but I really don't think that's much.  With the coat check, I don't take one, so not an issue for me.

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    This place is alot of fun and I was treated very well on my first visit.  I went with a group that all seem to have a little "latin fever" in them, as I do myself.  We walked in fairly tanked and we were greeted by someone at the door.  He immediately got us a table (everyone thought it would cost money, and it didn't) and bought us a round of drinks for our group.    The coat check was lame to have to pay $2 but the coat check dude was super nice as I continually retrieved my jacket for a smoke.  I danced my ass off and will consider this place as a late night dance spot in the future.

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    for those unaware, i have a weakness for sexy spanish speakers (aka debilitating latin fever). so when my crew and i stumbled out of lincoln karaoke three sheets to the wind at 2 am on a saturday and the first thing we saw was a place called latin bliss, my friends knew where we were headed.

    maybe we got lucky or just looked super hot that night, but our group of about 8 guys and girls all got in free, our bags were not searched (damn good thing- i had the remnants of my karaoke vodka in there!), and we only had to pay $2 for a mandatory coat check. everyone we dealt with was pleasant.

    music was pretty sweet, there were some awesome dancers (mostly 35-50 crowd, lots of serious couples dancing), and we had a blast tearin up the dance floor until they closed it down!

    sadly, there was a serious lack of eye candy that was age appropriate and/or unmarried. no latin bliss for me  :(

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    I've been here twice now and both times I've enjoyed myself. There is a parking lot across the street that you pay $7 to park in. However, the guy working the lot really needs to get a clue. He's not organized and had people waiting to park cuz he doesn't know how to direct cars with a flow that they can just park right next to each other. Anywho, the club itself is kinda big. They play salsa, merengue, bachata, a bit of old school house and a bit of hip hop. The guys aren't pushy or rude if you don't want to dance with them. The bartenders serve you right away and there's a lot of room to dance. There is no cover for ladies before midnight, but I believe it is $20 for guys to get in. Sorry fellas! I don't know what people are talkina bout that it's a shady area cuz nobody's outside. I haven't seen any type of shady business goin on either time I've been there. It's a great place to go dancing for free! But I definitely wouldn't pay to get in this place!  ;)

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    I Love Love Latin Bliss. The DJ plays the perfect blend of music. The place is really cute. The patrons are wonderful everybody is dancing and enjoying each others company. I will be having my birthday party this year at this wonderful club. It's not to big not to small. Everything is just right. Love it.

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    As I'm writing this review I must disagree with some folks' opinion here. If they should be concerned about their purse and question this hood first of all why bother to show up, instead recommend sticking strictly to their cradle of comfort, such as Lincoln Park? Me and my friends had great time here; the front door completely waived us our cover charge and no one "snooped" around our purse either (does it make me ghetto o o o? hmm). As we entered the room it was already packed but no one was dancing yet. The bartender was kind enough to cater us complimentary shots and it sent me straight to the dance floor. I was feeling gaze of the salsa pros on my samba/salsa combination steps but I was becoming quickly inebriated to care less. I danced till I dropped. Will definitely come back.

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    Definitely not coming here again.  Came here after a dinner party thinking it would be fun to work off the calories with some salsa dancing.  Latin Bliss was close by and seemed like a good alternative.  It had a fairly high cover and mandatory coat check, which is fine but a little unexpected for the area.  The more concerning fact was the purse search for the ladies and pat down for the men as they entered.  Made me wonder what kind of place I was entering and if gang fights were common.  There seemed to be a bit of an attitude that comes from the staff and the patrons.  I didn't feel very comfortable and tried to stay to myself and my friends as much as possible.  The music was pretty good but the ambiance was ruined by the 'tude of everyone around.  I would definitely think of other choices before coming here again.

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    I came for my bachelorette party with about 14 other people.

    We came early and the entrance was supposed to be free but since we were a large group, we walked in at different times. The first group did not know it was supposed to be free so they paid and went in. I called them a bunch of times but the music was loud, they couldn't hear it and then the other groups decided we should just pay and get in. $20 EACH?!?! SERIOUSLY?!!! Did I miss the red carpet? Do they know what neighborhood they're in? Their valet parks in a little auto shop that I can see from the entrance. Seriously...????! And the bouncer had the audacity to try to start arguments about the IDs. For the fifteen minutes we were standing out there, no one else came but yet we were being hassled over IDs that clearly were okay after being swiped in that machine. Ugh..

    And then we walk in and another person is forcing us to put our coats in the coat room and pay $2 for that. It was November, parking was hard to find and we had to park a mile away.. of course we had coats! Ugh..

    So we finally see our group, then another person forces us to sit at booths, because we're such a big group, and then says we have to buy bottles because we're using the booths. We were the ONLY people in the booths, and do I really have to remind them that we're only there because they made us?? And they wanted $100+ a bottle, minimum two bottles. My head spun.. I'm not even a drinker! The place was EMPTY, maybe 10 other people who were scattered around... and they were trying to hustle us?

    When the lady came to ask what bottles we were ordering, I demanded to see a manager. After I saw the "manager," they brought me THE manager. I told that... lady... that I had had enough. I demanded our money back, which was the only money they had in their register since they obviously did not charge the people who were there before us or the two people who walked in after us. Sadly, we did not get our money back from coat check so they still made out with $30.

    The things I noticed in my short time there:

    Bouncer = rude and totally abusing his power of sitting in a little chair, in a little room..

    Staff = rude and pushy.. unfortunately for them, I push harder!

    Manager = rude at first, came around after I gave her my evil look

    Coat room = dirty little ______

    Music = Pretty good salsa but that empty dance floor was a sad sight

    Exit = lovely

    This is a place I can definitely say NEVER AGAIN!

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    One of the worst night clubs ever. I went there for salsa dancing on a Friday night and it was not what I was expecting.  The music selection was not good. Not enough of the core salsa/mambo/bachata.  It's more of a hang out place than it is a dancing scene. The crowds are generally older women and the service was horrible. If you wanted to just sit down, you have to buy a drink. Otherwise, you have to stand all night. LAME!

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    Ghetto neighborhood.  Be very aware that you're entering machismo territory.  So much so that it takes the fun away.

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