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    Sorry Yelpers, this place was OK at best.  Ate on Wed night.

    Went based on reviews on local publications.  Was pretty dissapointed as I was expecting an incredible experience.

    Service - Fair
    - Ate in bar area with full service.  Waitress was slow to respond and told us she had worked two weeks straight... so?

    Apps - Poor
    -Wine by the glass - 1 Pinot Grigio & 1 Cab - both were so warm we had to put ice in our glasses.  
    -Steak soup was like eating gravy.
    -Shrip Cocktail came on a giant bed of lettuce (how about ice to keep them cold?).  They was no bite to them and the cocktail sauce was horrible.  Asked for straight up horseradish, which was had zero kick... ZERO.  
    -Bread - Sourdough, which some may love but I did not apreciate.

    Meal - Good
    -No Ribeye?  Hmm... I get that you have no bone-in Ribeye or Fillet, unfortunately, but no Ribeye at all on the menu?  Prior to this dinner, I thought that Ribeye was standard practice in the steakhouse world.
    -Filet was good, not great.  As stated before, I was expecting incredible.
    -Prime Rib was good.  My real issue was that their "house creamy horseradish" or whatever they call it.   Can you say Tartar Sauce?  That's the first thing that came to mind.  We all know that a quality horseradish is key with good Prime Rib.

    Would you like desert?  Not now, not ever, gotta go and not look back.

    Did speak to the manager.  She offered to cover the app, which we refused.  We just wanted her to hear us, but she was more interested in sprinting away when the going got tough.

    **Bottom line, this place was just ok.  I would never go back, there's just too many other places in KC that do it much better.

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    Gosh, I forgot how good this place was....  Had a Groupon, grabbed some friends, drove in a blizzard - and all for fantastic wine, service and beef.  No longer being a big red meat eater, I simply couldn't resist the Tenderloin Oscar.  2 succulant 4 oz filets topped with shrimp and bernaise sauce.  Of course that was after a spinach salad with a warm bacon dressing.  Yes I was full after the salad but had to eat one of the filets and it was like heaven in my mouth.  The rest of the crew - one ordered the lobster, one ordered the porterhouse and one order..i can't remember.  We had sides of asparagus, garlic mashed potatoes and the lyonnaise potatoes.  I can tell you I was the only one who took leftovers (1 filet).

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    Enjoyed food and service. Was frustrated with wine - brought us the wrong reserve, yet insisted it was right and charged us reserve price for standard bottle. Tisk. Tisk.

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