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    A classic, blue collared, Newport hole-in-the-wall delivers what's expected: cheap drinks and a place to escape after the 9-5.

    Flavored vodkas and domestic big name beers are served here, leaving something to be desired by my palate. I'm not a fan of the Budweiser variety, so I went with a mixed drink. It was pretty strong, almost undrinkable. I had to let the ice settle to thin out the vodka. While it was only $3.00 for a highball glass, one was enough for me.

    On the plus side, there was plenty of seating and the one bartender on staff quickly served our large group of 20 that wandered in after a meeting across the street.

    Unfortunately, being in Kentucky, this is a smoking bar. While no one in the bar was puffing tobacco, the stench of cigarettes lingered. Upon returning home, I smelled as bad as if I had been in a bar filled with people lighting up. My hair, my clothes - my hygiene called for a shower before bed.

    The drinks may be cheap, but I'd rather pay a little extra for a smoke-free environment.

    Price: $2.00 - $3.00 per drink.

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