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    Thought racism was frowned upon in this city? Why was I treated like crap for not being mexican?

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    Went here for their hopping Latino night. Man, it was saucy!

    This is a no frills bar/dance hall. Dive bar meets country hall meets gay bar.

    It ain't fancy, but you will have a great time. It's CASH ONLY which means the drinks are cheap. I think wells were $3.25 or something crazy like that (and it wasn't happy hour). Our bartender was the former drag star of Missy B's, and he was so nice. He provided great service and was doing everything to enable a good time.

    Only downside is the location can be a little sketchy late at night.

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    The place has a tendency to scare away those with attitude, which is a really positive quality, as far as I'm concerned. I try to make it out when I can.

    Usually it's nice to bring groups of friends because the bartenders are really friendly and prompt. The dance floor takes up a pretty large space at the back of the bar, for those that like to dance.

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    I came here on a Friday night, being told that this was a "country gay bar."  I must admit, I'm not a country fan, but I decided to go along with it.  When we arrived, around 1:30 AM, I found the bar only moderately busy, and sans the promised country music.  Instead of twang, I was greeted with a dance floor full of homos jamming out to some awesome 80s and 90s ballads.  There were also new top 40-ish dance songs intertwined between the jams.  Interesting, but fun nonetheless!

    Regarding the bar itself, I was pleasantly surprised.  By this point in time, I had reached my blood alcohol saturation point, and was only ordering water.  The bartender was so friendly and made sure to keep my lowly water glass filled.  In fact, he was so nice, that I actually ended up tipping him more than I'd tip for alcoholic drinks!  

    While I don't expect that I'd come here regularly, I did have a good time.  It was certainly something out of my norm, but that can be a good thing!  We didn't encounter a cover charge, so that's a bonus.  You'll know you've found the bar when you find a building that looks like a cross between the Old West and a shade of lipstick which only a drag queen would wear!

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