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    Sometimes my career as a singer ventures outside of the shower and wants to take stage. When this happens, its best to have a tolerant karaoke DJ and a massive selection of showtunes. Karaoke Fantastic delivers just that.

    Sean Hafer, the DJ, can be found spinning songs every Thursday at Northside Tavern and Sundays at Mainstay. With a collection of over 12,000 songs, its definitely the best karaoke Cincinnati has to offer. I am in awe of the selection of showtunes, including the ENTIRE soundtrack from RENT, not just "Seasons of Love" as one typically finds. Sean makes it possible for me to serenade bar patrons with such numbers as "Take Me or Leave Me," "Out Tonight," or "Another Day." Don't worry, once I finish with RENT, there are songs from pretty much every Broadway musical ever made. And lots of Weird Al Yankovic.

    All of Sean's songs come neatly arranged in binders. He has plenty to go around, both with listings by song title or by artist. He also has multiple wireless microphones which are great for group numbers, or in my case, songs that encourage me to dance off-stage while crooning.

    A fun, personable DJ, Sean is always up for singing duets and occasionally buys drinks for his regular singers. Karaoke has always been a blast, but Karaoke Fantastic elevates it to a higher level. Yearning to belt out some notes? This is the place to do it.

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