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    Eclectic Furniture, check,  Friendly crowd.  Check.  Delicious food? well, it was on Wednesday,  it seems like there's a bit of a rotating chef crowd during the week, and pizza on the weekends (paneer pizza? OK! we'll be back on a thursday...)  It's in an unassuming store front around the corner from the main drag, but that's ok, because the food is AWESOME... it's whatever comes out of the mind out of those crazy fools at pop up taqueria and the rest of the kitchen factory.  (are there oompa loompas?) locally sourced, down to the sauerkraut and bread bowls we had.  Do yourself a favor and check it out on a wednesday, Jose is a food ACE!

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    Kitchen Factory is one of the most unique 'restaurants' I've ever eaten. I've never seen anything like it... the chefs are regularly changing. The food is different each time. And there are no waiters/waitresses or busboys. We went on a Wednesday night when Jose of Pop-Up Taqueria is the chef extraordinaire. The food is all fresh and as local as possible. This past Wednesday the dinner was local beef chili in a fresh bread bowl. In addition to one of the most delicious meals I've had there was some great music courtesy of Twig and Leaf. As far as drinks, no alcohol is served here, but you can BYOB. Otherwise, they have bottled water and various soft drinks, including Mexican coke.

    On the weekends, the Kitchen Factory is home to gourmet pizzas. I've never tried them but the menu sounds delicious! I definitely plan to sample all the deliciousness Kitchen Factory has to offer!

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