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    The other reviews are spot on, this place just isn't great.  It's 'that guy' type of place and just not that fun.  The bar area was packed, but outside of that it was dead.  We were here for a little bit and went on to the next bar, enough said.

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    Oh, Mosaic, how you tease me.

    You have the best music in KC, by my estimation.  You also have a good set up inside, a sizeable outside area and a good variety of drinks.  However, that is where the fun stops.  I've never been in a bar that had such a high concentration of douchebag characters as Mosaic.  The bartenders are douches, 90% of the people that frequent the club are douchenozzles and the doormen are by far the biggest dbags I've ever seen working an hourly position and acting like they're Donald Trump, drunk with power.

    My girlfriend has been groped and harassed more at Mosaic "Douchebag" Lounge than at any other bar in KC.  In fact, one spikey haired buffoon grabbed her arm to spin her around so she would talk to him so hard that she had to punch him to get him off her (note to self: don't leave your girlfriend with other girlfriends and head to the bathroom, better strategy is to just pee yourself.... safer for all involved).

    Do yourself a favor, avoid this bar.  I haven't even mentioned the 30 minute wait (unless you know one of the douches at the door), the weak drinks, the long bathroom lines, the slick dance floor or the fact that a fight WILL break out every night... after a fight breaks out, the bouncers are more likely to push you through a glass window to get "in on the action" than assert themselves in a controlled and reasonable way.  

    The only reason this place gets two stars is because their music is AWESOME.  Drives me nuts.  If you're going to go, just get bottle service.

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    Every time I go to Mosaic, I am hopeful that I will like it.  And every time I leave Mosaic, I ask myself, "Why did I decide to go here?!".  There's a $5 cover and you will pay even more for drinks.  The staff are just as "douchey" as the club goers.  

    What I like about Mosaic is that they have a coat check and they do play good music if you are looking to dance.  I just feel like there are much better places to go with less douchey people.

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