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    I'm a neighborhood dive bar type of gal so Tina's is my kind of place. Although it may be a bit brighter than most dive bars ( all of the lights are always on) it is definitely a cool, diverse place to grab a drink. The prices are incredibly low ( I rarely ever spend more than ten dollars and can get two-three drinks). Most people are friendly and always looking to start up conversation. The, however,  jukebox can be a hit or miss. You are at the mercy of whomever invested in the box before you.  Be ware: Tina's can be PACKED on a random night and getting a drink may be a bit much. But with the low prices and strong drinks I can overlook that.

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    Tina's may be the most diverse and welcoming bar in Cincinnati.

    The issue with downtown and OtR bars sometimes is they tend to cater towards a very specific crowd and that's it. If you're looking for hipster bars, nightclubs, sports, dives, etc, you'll find it, and with it, a very singular crowd. The crowd tends to all look and dress like each other.

    However, the crowd at Tina's at midnight on a Friday was insane! People from all walks of life together. Those looking for a night out to party in clubwear, those in jeans and a t-shirt, those in divey ripped clothing. Whatever, it was an awesome crowd of different people.

    Make no mistake, Tina's is a dive. A divey dive. Cheap drinks, sticky tables with spilled beer, crowded bar, semi-dirty atmosphere and loud and full of life. If you love that, you'll love this. If not, there are certainly other bars in the area to check out.

    Free ping pong in the back with a nice rotation. No one seemed to stay on it very long (although I did keep getting hit in the back by a ball due to my unfortunate seat choice.) Beyond that, a pretty standard bar all around.

    This bar didn't amaze or disappoint, but it certainly did surprise. And that's worth something.

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    So it's not really the bar's fault and the bartender was very nice to try to locate the Fox Sports channel for us, but since they have Cincinnati Bell Fiber Optics we got the Cavs game instead of the XU-UD game. So consider this review more of a heads up to call ahead and make sure whatever game you plan to watch is carried by Cincinnati Bell.

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    Tina's is the closest bar to the office I work in and thus this is where people go for drinks after work. I've been a few times now on a Friday and it's ok.

    You can buy beer in jugs, so it's cheaper than just buying individual beers.

    They also have a pingpong table. Unfortunately the pallets were very old, but it was still a lot of fun to play.

    I've never tried the food here but based on most of the reviews I'm not sure I really want to try. I prefer to get a veggie wrap at the Barista a bit further.

    It's an ok place for a quick drink after work but I probably wouldn't go for another reason.

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    This downtown dive is a favorite watering hole for the dunnhumby crowd, mostly beacause it's only a block from the office. The food is all fried and not terrible inventive. I only go there when an office event dictates it. If I have to eat anything, I usually opt for the club sandwich. Don't expect anything gourmet coming out of the kitchen, this is a joint that doesn't serve any spirits with more than 6 letters in its name. If you're hungry and in the neighborhood, walk on by!

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    It's a decent place for cheap drinks. I seem to remember there being more than one bathroom. I didn't try the food.
    Really low key joint. I like it.

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    I've been coming to Tina's for as long as I can remember.  Truly a downtown mainstay.  

    The food is OK, nothing amazing, but certainly better than many bars that serve lunch.  A favorite of mine is the Turkey Reuben, which I always get extra hot by adding jalapeno's.  

    I've also eaten their Spicy Chicken Sandwich quite a few times, and for what it is (fried chicken breast) it definitely stands above any others that I've had.

    If you're looking for something lighter, try the chicken caesar, and if you're looking for something hotter, try the Chili, just make sure you check the "heat meter" on the wall.

    After work, it's a great spot for a beer, see everyone, and wind down.  I'm definitely a fan.

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    Ok, this place is cincinnati's "Cheers" in my opinion.  it is a fabulous local establishment, there arent a ton of bells and whistles but the beer is always cold and the people are always super friendly.  

    I can only review Tina's as a bar since I've never been for eats.

    I have been to tina's on multiple occasions and I would agree that it's never been that packed to the walls kind of place where you have to rub between two fat guys to get to the bathroom... but that is so why i like tinas.  It definitely is at its busiest around 11 or 12 I would say and there are usually 30-50 people in the front room and by the pool table.  

    But lets summarize with bullets!

    Things that I'm not so fond of:
    -  the music choices sometimes can be a struggle, but the music is all jukebox style so if you don't like the music, pay some money and pick what you want!
    -  the street patio is small and populated with many smokers
    -  the bathrooms definitely remind you of a bar for sure, (to Weg's point that there is only one bathroom, there are actually two men's rooms (one by the pool table and one in the back) and at least 1.5 ladies rooms (one by the pool table and the dual use restroom he mentioned.))

    Things that make me love this place:
    -  The drinks:  strong and decently priced for cincinnati, you can definitely find more expensive drinks out there but you will work hard to find cheaper booze other than at home.
    -  The bartenders:  holy crap they are so friendly!  And they are lightning quick on the draw with the vodka, the tap or the bottle opener.  They treat everyone with a ton of respect and are willing to chat with an idle business man or a daily local just the same.
    -  The patrons:  everyone is so darn friendly here.  You can make best friends while just standing by the bar or waiting for the jukebox.
    -  The free popcorn:  I mean seriously... you just don't know how much you love salty buttery popcorn until you are 4 beers in... and its free!
    -  The patio:  man, if you get there early and there arent a ton of people, you can see an awesome sunset and sit outside and just be happy.  its not large and it can get smokey... but its nice.
    -  It is not populated by "the hills" wanna-bes... I am not super excited
    by girls dressed to the nines or collar-poppers (if that's you, you could still like this place... but there will not be people like you there).

    Overall, if you want a casual night out where you can hear your friends talking and your ear-drums aren't bleeding in the morning... where you can chat with friends, watch a game, or just hang out in a good atmosphere this is a great place to go.

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    Where is everyone?

    I found myself at Tina's Saturday night, and was a bit surprised that our group was the only one in the entire place. Granted it was at 7 and the Reds were playing, but still! I got a beer from the bartender I had never tried before (not my favorite, but not their fault) and joined my friends outside.

    So the evening progresses, we hear the game is over, and later I go back inside. There are now... 4 people at Tina's. What the hell? This is conveniently located to a lot of lofts and apartments, where is the flood of people from the game? Eventually, much later, some people started to show up, but never too many. The entire back room was empty save for a few girls who wanted some privacy, I suppose. I hate bars where you can't even breathe without bumping into someone, but I also don't like bars where you could play frisbee and not involve anyone.

    Another negative I need to point out about Tina's is that they only have one tiny, mixed gender bathroom. As expected when people are drinking, this created a bit of a bottleneck. If this place does get busy, I'd hate to see the line outside of that thing. Heck, I'd hate to be in that thing when a bunch of drunk dudes have trouble controlling their aim.

    There's not too much to say other than that. Prices are average, alcohol selection average, nothing else really stands out. If they could get some more patrons and put in another bathroom, it may not be a bad place.

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    It's a dive bar. But for a dive bar, they have some really good food choices. Even with a crazy healthy diet, I can get their Nancy's Taco Salad, and be perfectly happy. Everyone I know loves the pretzel bread!

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    I've always liked Tina's for carry out but because of occasional shoddy service I tend to pick other places for a sit down lunch. Offering a full bar this is a great spot for local sports fans to catch a pre-game beer or to watch the game on many televisions located in the maze of rooms that make up the restaurant. Be prepared for a lot of bikini clad poster models on the walls and waitresses that have been to the tanning salon a few too many times. Aside from a couple mediocre meals, Tina's is an easy and decent lunch stop.

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    It's bar food...it's close to work...I'd never choose it but a coworker did. It's just bland and mediocre. Not awful but not good. The onion rings weren't too bad...

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