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    I will start with the positive aspects.

    The space is incredible. It has a vast open area that can see the stage from practically anywhere. The only location that can't see the stage has two pool tables set up. The stage is very large and could easily accommodate a dozen musicians for large bands. The bathrooms even seem clean! A very nice hardwood floor rests in the main viewing area of the stage. It looks like the floor was installed pretty recently, but it could date back further than I think.

    The lighting on the walls seem decorative, but not fancy. They look cool on the dark red walls, but dont offer substantial amounts of lighting. Also, mirrors cover about 75% of the walls (if it is like the Mad Hatter, then this place used to be a strip club and they would date back to then).

    The layout is perfectly positioned. The door is along the back corner away from the stage. The sound guy is set up out of the way next to the door. The bathrooms are pretty close to the stage along a side wall. Further from the stage on that same side is the bar which shouldn't interfere with the crowd by the stage on even the busiest night. On the opposite side is an elevated spot that gives a great view of the stage.

    Even the sound in the venue is very nice. Both the house music and live music sounds great. The volume is perfect and the quality is great. I even thought the music selection was good!

    Now you may be saying, "But Ryan, you only gave this place three stars, what gives?"

    Glad you asked!

    First, there are no chairs... For a place as spacious as it is, you would expect at least a couple dozen chairs. Not a single chair besides the ones set up for merch and the doorman's stool. I suggest they set up a bench all around the walls at least so people don't have to sit on the floor between bands or for people who cannot physically stand for long periods of time.

    Second is their weird clash between the announced smoking policy and the unofficial one. Officially, smoking is not allowed in the building. This is their choice as a private business in Kentucky where businesses can choose whether to allow it or not (unlike Ohio where smoking in buildings is illegal). I saw the "no smoking" sign in the door and was fairly happy as I dont smoke. The very first thing I did when I got in was go to the bathroom. When I went in, there were two kids smoking (at first I thought it was weed, but quickly found out they were cigarettes). They are being polite about it and were very friendly. I started talking to them and they informed me that you had to be 21 with a wristband to leave and come back and an employee told them to just smoke in the bathroom.  I wouldn't care if smoking was allowed, but the fact that they have a weird policy frustrates me. Perhaps this doesn't bother you.

    Every show I see on their website seems like it has upwards of 10 bands playing for 20 minutes each. I went to see the Pomegranates play, which is the only reason I came. Have 10 bands play lets me know that most of them probably aren't very good. No offense to bands who have played, but that is the impression I get. I like two see two or three bands play for 45 minutes por so each.

    The worst part about this venue is their bar. I get the impression that most of their customers are under 21 because the bar sucks. It consists of one person selling a dozen different bottles and cans of PBR. There is no liquor behind the counter. None. On the shelf behind the bartender is a sign that says "Imports $4" and one that says "domestics $3". And yes, that can of PBR is considered a $3 domestic...  What most bars sell for $1 or $1.50, they sell for $3. I could get a Hudepohl Amber Lager draft at MOTR for that price, and MOTR doesn't have a $10 cover.

    A few simple fixes, and this good be one of the best music venues in Northern Kentucky.

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